Thursday, November 12, 2009


Ok, so, I always try to drink coffee because I think that that as a grown up, and especially now that I work in an "office job", that's what I am "supposed" to do right? WRONG! It makes me want to CRAWL OUT OF MY OWN SKIN! I am sitting here trying to be productive and work on the computer but instead I am thinking of anything and everything else that I could be doing instead! I'm pretty sure that I could make, bake, climb, jump, paint, speak, fix, write, lift, etc, etc, anything you put in front of me right now at this warp speed that my brain seems to be traveling! I also get rather grumpy. I really wish that the stores would not put out such appealing creamers such as the pumpkin pie spice that I added to my coffee this morning because then I would not be as tempted to drink down a good four cups of coffee! Yikes! Lesson learned- Tiphani can not drink any more than a half a cup of coffee per day regardless of how much she loves the seasonal creamers. xoxo


  1. I agree! :D
    I'm glad you have a blog! I think it's going to be fun to keep up with!

  2. Ha ha! I hate coffee. But the other day I took some headache medicine, and I was ALL wired! I was like, really giddy and energetic, and I was like, "What's the deal?" I finally remembered that the pills had caffeine. Oh. So THAT'S why everyone drinks coffee all the time!
