Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Growing pains.

Some things I learned recently:
*Everything doesn't always go according to planned.
*A heart and body can literally HURT when when someone is in pain.
*I really miss my husband and am a pretty miserable person when he is gone-props to all that have husbands serving for our country and the wives that have their husbands gone most of the time.
*However, I am a big girl and can do tough things on my own.
*Human race is more unreliable than I ever thought.
*God is really has to be your hope to get through some days.
*Sometimes you have to go through things to be able to help others more accordingly.
*I need to have a thicker skin and a softer heart.
*People have to deal with some really crazy things in their life so don't judge anyone according to how YOU perceive the situation. Try to find out more about them and what shaped them into the person they now are and get into their heads and you might learn a thing or two about your own character.
*God thinks about us 3 BILLION times a second according to Psalms 139:17-18 and the people who estimate how many grains of sand are in this world.
*I am really blessed beyond measure.
*Youth kids can smell really bad (ok, so I already knew that I was just reminded again recently :))
*Time goes faster the older you get.
*Shopping is sometimes better than medicine.
*There is always something BAD you can find in every situation and although it's really hard sometimes to find good, I should strive more to do so.
*My house is the best.
*Parents can really warp a kids sense of thinking.
*I REALLY need glasses.
*I'm kinda socially awkward sometime.
*I enjoy living in a small town.
Well, that's just some of the good, the bad, and the ugly things I learned or re-learned most recently. Just thought I'd share some of what goes through my mind daily. xoxo tiphani

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Ok, so, I always try to drink coffee because I think that that as a grown up, and especially now that I work in an "office job", that's what I am "supposed" to do right? WRONG! It makes me want to CRAWL OUT OF MY OWN SKIN! I am sitting here trying to be productive and work on the computer but instead I am thinking of anything and everything else that I could be doing instead! I'm pretty sure that I could make, bake, climb, jump, paint, speak, fix, write, lift, etc, etc, anything you put in front of me right now at this warp speed that my brain seems to be traveling! I also get rather grumpy. I really wish that the stores would not put out such appealing creamers such as the pumpkin pie spice that I added to my coffee this morning because then I would not be as tempted to drink down a good four cups of coffee! Yikes! Lesson learned- Tiphani can not drink any more than a half a cup of coffee per day regardless of how much she loves the seasonal creamers. xoxo

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Join me for breakfast

Woo Hoo! I am officailly an old lady Blogger! I have been thinking of doing this forever but finally just stumbled upon it and figured now was as good a time as any. I figured by creating a blog, my facebook friends wouldn't have to be subjected to as much of my ramblings but now all my blog friends will have to muah ha ha ha ha ha. Well, we will see if my evil plan works! xoxo